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Chakaruna Janneke Killanka

Janneke grew up within the humanistic values of the Netherlands. At a young age her emotional world was already rich and intense. Because of this, she started her own healing journey and became interested in spirituality at the age of 21 and she later pursued a vocation in supporting others through social work. This work brought her into contact with social challenges and she became a support for the homeless, addicts and sex workers; a privilege which she used to connect with and understand the deeper facets of human nature and the challenges that can be experienced. Being highly sensitive…

Chakaruna Pamela Q`espe Sonqo

Pamela was born in the coast of Peru, in the city of Lima, and since a very joung age she was aiming for a better understanding between (modern) human kind and Mother Nature. She studied Chemistry, Music, Languages, and Education. She lived a while in Europe, so she is a beautiful bridge between the lands of the Condor and the Eagle. Living in the Sacred Valley of Cusco for over 3 years now, she met Jhon and Janneke through playing Traditional Sikuri music together and joining the Andean and Ancient music group Willkawayra Ayllu. A community co-founded by Jhon that…

Chakaruna Paola

For as long as Paola can remember, she has felt admiration and love for Nature. Her first ceremony with Grandfather Wachuma came with a strong call to deepen the connection, and through synchronicities and messages that arrived in different ways, her capacity as a Wachumera was manifested in the space of her brothers and sisters at Willkamayu Spirit. She holds ceremonies rooted in care, and the importance of taking care of these spaces and the participants on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level; in other words, to allow the encounter between the person and the Master Plants to happen…

Maestro Inonbari

Maestro Juan Carlos Quispe Flores, whose spiritual name is INONBARI (Solar Jaguar), was born in 1984 in the Shipibo nation of Peru. Maestro Juan Carlos was just 8 years old when he first drank Ayahuasca. From that day, he started to walk the spiritual path, guided by his grandfather, Rankon Metsa, who inherited sacred knowledge of medicinal plants and was a great elder and maestro  for the Shipibo nation. At the tender age of 15, he had already been recognised as a maestro  to guide Ayahuasca ceremonies. Now with a profound love and humbleness, he shares the knowledge about the…

Maestro Jhon Sikuri

Jhon comes from a lineage of Andean heritage, the community of San Pedro de Kacha. The mountainous regions around Cusco and the Sacred Valley are his homeland and his connection to its geography and community is strong within his heart. This interwoven community raised the ancestral traditions that have resonated with Jhon since his childhood, and became more profound when he identified parallels within the Taoist traditions which evolved his understanding of the natural systems that connect us above, below and throughout the universe. With these principles, Jhon experienced a rebirth of interconnected realisation and continues to encourage the roots…

Maestro Kamaski

Maestro Kamaski, a Pachamama Servant, is an ICHHURI (Andean therapist) who comes from a traditional family of healers in Huasao, Cusco. Kamaski means a being created to serve. Learning to heal himself, Maestro Kamaski learned to heal others, thanks to plant medicine. The town of Huasao is a place of qheswas healers. He is a yachaq (sage) of the Inkan culture and he heals and cures within the Inkan healing tradition, where he works with the following three levels of being: ukhupacha, kaypacha and hanaqpacha. Ukhupacha works on our internal state: emotions and sentiments of the subconscious. Kaypacha works with…

Maestro Wayra

In the heart of the Peruvian Andes, Wayra Eloy Quispe Ccorahua stands as a beacon, illuminating ancient tales, paths and teachings. An Andean Inca master, he is a keeper of old wisdom, passed down from Inca healers. He is supported by Earth’s love, Pachamama and the spirit of the mountains, the Apus, as well as of the sacred medicines. Maestro Wayra speaks English, with a humble heart he shares ceremonies with Ayahuasca and Wachuma. He also talks English so during your retreat you can go into deep conversations with him, he loves to share about the Andean Cosmo vision.