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Chakaruna Janneke Killanka

Janneke grew up within the humanistic values of the Netherlands. At a young age her emotional world was already rich and intense. Because of this, she started her own healing journey and became interested in spirituality at the age of 21 and she later pursued a vocation in supporting others through social work. This work brought her into contact with social challenges and she became a support for the homeless, addicts and sex workers; a privilege which she used to connect with and understand the deeper facets of human nature and the challenges that can be experienced. Being highly sensitive and intuitive, with emotionally demanding work, Janneke was directed deeper into her own healing journey again when she was 28 years old.

Through introspective processes Janneke found herself more the a decade ago in Peru, embraced in the loving arms of Mother Ayahuasca and was directed deeper into her process of healing and growing, the potential of master plants and the importance of connecting to nature, its spirits and traditional wisdoms.

It was this intuitive connection and the calling of Mother Ayahuasca that guided Janneke back to Peru and a closer encounter with the healing of Ayahuasca in an established retreat centre where she learnt again to manage human vulnerability and how to maintain stability alongside the sensitivity required for intuitive growth. Healing and spiritual strength became the cornerstones for her commitment in helping others and Willkamayu Spirit owes its core values to the courage and determination that continues to evolve daily in the project space that Janneke brings intuitively into existence.

Now that she is a mother, Janneke is with the project in a therapeutic sense, sharing Inner Child work, intuitive coaching, Reiki, preparation and integration. Janneke is forever grateful to the people and spirits who have supported and guided her along this beautiful path.
As a Chakaruna she is bridging the seen und unseen world together, she bridges the Eagle and Condor through her experience of growing up in the West and living for more than a decade in Peru.


Janneke Killanka is together with Jhon the founder of Willkamayuspirit.