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Chakaruna Paola

For as long as Paola can remember, she has felt admiration and love for Nature. Her first ceremony with Grandfather Wachuma came with a strong call to deepen the connection, and through synchronicities and messages that arrived in different ways, her capacity as a Wachumera was manifested in the space of her brothers and sisters at Willkamayu Spirit. She holds ceremonies rooted in care, and the importance of taking care of these spaces and the participants on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level; in other words, to allow the encounter between the person and the Master Plants to happen in the most natural and pure way possible.
She is a doctor from origin, however following her heart her path brought her in connection with Mother Nature medicines, guiding ceremonies and supporting woman in their process of becoming a mother as midwife.
Paola has a very soft, gentle and motherly energy, who supports you with a lot of love and care during your ceremonies.
She is a Chakaruna, bridging the seen and unseen world, bridging conventional medicine and Mother Nature medicines together.