Willkamayu Spirit biedt persoonlijke en intieme Ayahuasca en Wachuma (San Pedro) retraites in de Heilige Vallei van Peru. Zowel Ayahuasca als Wachuma, gekoppeld aan innerlijke kind-tools, bereiden je voor en integreren de leer van je retraite.
Onze intentie met Willkamayu Spirit is om te verbinden, te helen en het bewustzijn te verhogen, om de verbinding met onszelf, anderen en de natuur te verdiepen. Het samenvoegen van innerlijke en uiterlijke landschappen om jouw geest en de geest van de mensheid te herplanten. Willkamayu Spirit is een project dat werkt met entheogene planten uit de Andes en het Amazonegebied: Ayahuasca, Chakruna, Wachuma (San Pedro). De planten zijn in staat om je energetisch, mentaal, fysiek en emotioneel te genezen. We zorgen ervoor dat voorbereiding, ceremonie en de daaropvolgende integratie als wederzijds belangrijk worden beschouwd en geven je de begeleiding en ondersteuning om het meeste te halen uit een respectvolle en authentieke verbinding met deze heilige medicijnen.
We zouden het geweldig vinden als je bij ons komt voor je Ayahuasca Ceremonie of San Pedro Ceremonie in een prachtige retraite ruimte in de Heilige Vallei van de Inca, vlakbij Cusco.
Een gedeelde retraite in de bergen, weg van lawaai en vervuiling, ideaal voor jou om je opnieuw te verbinden met je geest en je proces te beheren in een natuurlijke omgeving. Hier vind je links naar onze Vertrouwelijkheidsverklaring en onze Medische & Veiligheidsverplichting.
Ayahuasca spirit Als je de roeping hebt om in gemeenschap te komen met Grootmoeder Ayahuasca en je wilt deelnemen aan onze Ayahuasca Ceremonie, dan ben je van harte welkom om je bij ons aan te sluiten.
Wachuma spirit Voel de verbondenheid met de cactus Wachuma (San Pedro) in de immense natuur van de Heilige Vallei.
The single most positive, life-changing event of my entire life.
From the bottom of my heart visiting Jhon and Jenneke was the best decision of my entire life. I had been in therapy off and on since I was a child and was mostly treading water, stuck, and having a difficult time in my day to day affairs. After a single ceremony with San Pedro’s followed by a single ceremony with Ayahusca my heart is totally open. I am most grateful to these people for facilitating this transmutation inside their home, and under their care. I am being totally honest when I say that this was the single most positive, life-changing event of my entire life. Since the ceremonies I have been more lucid than ever before. I now see what I truly want, what I truly need, and what I myself truly find important. I don’t blame myself for things that aren’t my fault, and see clearly things that I can change for a better life. There aren’t many words in the English language that adequately describe what these people did for me, but I am most grateful. If I had one word to describe the experience it would be “profound”. These people are literal angels. The maestro was incredible. There is healing to be found with them, beyond what you can imagine.
Life Changing Experience.
I stayed at Janneke’s and Jhon’s place for three weeks as a volunteer. It was very beneficial to have a longer and proper preparation at their place before the ceremonies. Like doing my meditation and yoga practice on the big balcony, walking in nature (together), the lovely talks with Janneke, writing, focusing on my intentions and eating healthy food. The ceremonies felt safe and personal. They explained clearly what to expect. We were only with 3 or 4 participants, which made me feel like they were really there for us! Seeing each individual! And most importantly they truly honor the spiritual and ancient origin to work with the plants. The shaman was a calm, modest and professional guide. He was there when he needed to be but he also gave trust and confidence to follow my own journey. Janneke and Jhon are lovely and empathic people, who really want to help, wherever they can, to give insides and make you grow. Their home felt like mine and their animals are just amazing! I would definitely recommend to visit Janneke and Jhon’s home to experience ceremonies in an intimate and personal way. And if you have the time, stay as well as a volunteer to prepare yourself and to integrate/ground after the ceremonies!
Janneke and Jhon, thank you so much! I will never ever forget everything I experienced with you! It was life changing! Lots of love, Fleur!
Whtasapp Jhon: +51984117755
Whatsapp Janneke: +51962686823
Sacred Valley Peru
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