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Connect deeply with Grandfather Wachuma (San Pedro) and your inner nature

Normally Dutch Janneke and her Peruvian husband Jhon live in the Andes, where they have a retreat centre. This summer, they are coming together for the second time to the Netherlands with one of their wise Teacher Plants: the cactus Wachuma (also called San Pedro). You will again have the chance to be at one of their ceremonies. An opportunity to connect deeply with yourself, others and nature.

‘During this 2-day retreat, we will experience the spirit of the teacher plant Wachuma together,’ says Jhon. ‘Grandfather Wachuma originates from the Andean regions of South America. It is respected there as a powerful plant medicine and has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples in traditional medicine and spiritual practices.’

What is the power of Wachuma?

‘Wachuma` in quechua (the local language) means: Wachu: row, Uma: head. It means cultivating the mind, raising consciousness. Wachuma is heart-opening and helps us tune in, integrate and ground. It can connect us to the primal state of Being and induce profound spiritual experiences,’ says Jhon.

The effects of Wachuma can last for several hours. Although each individual’s experience is unique, it is often experienced that the senses are sharpened and you come to deep spiritual and emotional insights.
Wachuma can support healing in family systems, depression, anxiety and deep patterns. Wachuma has the gift of opening a deep connection with our ancestors and our inner child.

This retreat is for you if you:

  • Want to connect with your inner wisdom;
  • Have questions about who you are at the deepest level;
  • Want to heal deep patterns in yourself and in your family lineage;
  • Wanting to connect with your inner nature and the nature around you;
  • Want to open your heart even more and strengthen your resilience;
  • Want to grow in consciousness and unwind yourself;
  • Want a cleansing, a reset
  • You want to connect with traditional rituals and wisdom
  • You feel the “calling” to connect with Wachuma;
  • Have experience with some form of self-development.

Retreat dates 2024

  • 2-4 August
  • 10-11 August
  • 21-22 August
  • 31 August – 1 September
  • 7-8 September
  • 14-15 September
  • 21st September**Eendaagse Despacho ceremony
While Janneke & Jhon are hosting the retreats in the Netherlands, the retreats in Peru will continue as normal. We have a beautiful team here in the Sacred Valley – Soucin, Wayra and the maestros – who will be taking care of the ceremonies.


Whtasapp Jhon: +51984117755

Whatsapp Janneke: +51962686823

Sacred Valley Peru​

Let’s Connect and begin your Journey!


If you have any questions feel free to send us a message!
We are here to support you on your journey.

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